Roll & Restore Workshop
90 Min Workshops Investment $50 All 3 Feb Workshops $135 Click here for the package
Workshops come with a 2 week replay for you to take class as much as you like!!
We start with relaxing, lengthening, & releasing with body rolling and then into a lovely restorative practice and ending with a peaceful savasana. A perfect self-care and rejuvenation practice. It is a wonderful supplement to an active lifestyle. Restorative yoga is a gentle, quiet, & soothing style of Yoga that incorporates props to support the body & deepen the benefits of the poses. It is a nurturing practice that promotes the effects of conscious relaxation. With the support of props, poses are held for an extended time facilitating release and relaxation that will calm the nervous system and coax away built-up tension. Benefits include stress reduction, increased circulation, better sleep, digestion, stronger immunity, and calmness of mind. A great complement to any practice
Equipment Used: 2 Black yamuna balls or similar small balls, optional Pearl or Gold yamuna ball, Mat, Blanket, Pillow or yoga bolster.
Are you missing massage? I will teach you ways to keep your body feeling great and to get the same benefits of massage on your own. With the Yamuna balls, you will learn how to increase flexibility, function, and range of motion. Free your body to work more effectively getting more out of your workouts and improving performance while preventing injury and promoting greater circulation. Relieve soreness, tightness, and restrictions in your body, improve posture, and increase alignment with this wonderful technique. Walk away with the perfect tool to roll away stress and tension on your own. Experience remarkable changes in your body after just one class! You deserve to feel good in your body. Take the time to learn what it needs.
We will teach you how to unravel the layers of your body, go deeper, and learn what you need to take care of your own body for full body sustainability.