A great total body Yamuna experience. Tiffany takes you systematically through the entire body, releasing your spine, improving alignment, deepening your breathing, and increasing your relaxation response, in a well balanced class aimed at working your entire body. With the Yamuna balls you will learn how to increase flexibility, function and range of motion. Free your body to work more effectively getting more out of your workouts and improving performance while preventing injury and promoting greater circulation. Relieve soreness, tightness and restrictions in your body, improve posture and increase alignment with this wonderful techniques. Walk away with the perfect tool to roll away stress and tension on your own. Experience remarkable changes in your body after just one class! You deserve to feel good in your body. Take the time to learn what it needs.
We will teach you how to unravel the layers of your body, go deeper, and learn what you need to take care of your own body for full body sustainability. You deserve to feel good in your body. Take the time to learn what it needs.
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